Our strategic goals and values stem from our mission. In their broadest scope, our strategic goals are consistent with the United Nation’s seventeen Sustainability Development Goals which address issues related to clean energy, climate resiliency, economic growth, hunger, poverty, health, education, equality, peace, and justice.
However, given our distinctive competencies, the Foundation would work tirelessly and incessantly to make progress on the following United Nation’s Social Development Goals in the order of Foundation’s weighted preference:
- UN SDG 3: Health and Wellness, Sanitation, Freedom from Pollution
- UN SDG 13: Climate resiliency
- UN SDG 8: Economic growth through responsible corporate profitability
- UN SDG 4: Quality Education with increased focus on sustainability
- UN SDG 6: Clean Water, Rainwater harvesting, Dedicated technologies
- UN SDG 7: Clean Energy with focus on affordability
- UN SDG 1 & 2: Eradication of Poverty and Hunger, Obviating community resettlements
- UN SDG 14 & 15: Life on land and below water
Furthermore, the Foundation team believes that the largest share of environmental deterioration emanates from emissions caused by business operations. As such, it is essential that business strategies be formulated to facilitate pro-environment and pro-social responsibility products, services, and policies. The following Strategies are part of the core and distinctive competencies of the Foundation that serve this objective: