Global Foundation for
Advancement of Environment
and Human Wellness

Working Tirelessly For Realizing A Pristine Planet. . .

About us

Global Foundation for Advancement of Environment and Human Wellness (Global Foundation in short) is an organization committed to enhance the environmental and social values of the planet through the development of innovative and enduring solutions using transdisciplinary research, analyses, and applications and hands-on approaches in proto-typing and implementation of solutions. Furthermore, the Foundation is constantly on the lookout for likeminded partners whose collaboration would add to the quality of its own solutions and their implementation.

A Message From The Chairman

I am delighted, indeed gratified, to see your intellectual presence on this website, spending your precious time reading this message. I am gratified coz your presence signifies (to me) that you are a passionate individual committed to the cause of planet’s state of environment. You may perhaps be looking for ways to be helpful, albeit, in your own special way that makes you most happy! Well, my friend, that is a precious thought and so are you! Please hold your ideas until the end of this message when I address how you can get in touch and share with us your environmental ideas and aspirations. Mind you, we are not looking for resources per se, we are looking for out-of-the-box ideas that are loaded with significant environmental value.

Before I address the Foundation’s philosophy and unique approaches, it is important that I share one of my pet peeves with you and put it out of the way. These days, it has become fashionable to wrap the current state of environment in projections of despair and doom. A well-known periodical, that will remain nameless, suggested using such phraseology as climate cancer or climate calamity in order to goad people into action. Respectfully, I beg to dissociate from such messages. In my view, such frightening admonitions would only serve to instill a sense of fear and futility that, in turn, would engender inaction and abandonment.

Founder and Chair, Prof Ashok Kumar receives Global Green Award 2020 at the World Environment Summit 2020, New Delhi

Our distinctive competencies include


Expertise In Designing And Implementing Synergistic Models Of Business Strategies

Save the ocean

Significantly Greater Involvement And Interactions With United States Environmental Institutions And Markets

Keep It Clean

Redesigning Environmental Operations And Supply


Exchange Of International Faculty, Scholars, Students And Programs

transdisciplinary expertise in undertaking environmental research, implementing large-scale multi-disciplinary projects, and delivering training capacity enhancement for a range of target audience

Simple Steps That Will Make a Big Difference


Recycle, Recycle and Recycle!

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Save the ocean

Save The Ocean - Save Lives.

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Keep It Clean

Keep it clean

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Donate For a Better World

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A Poetry

हमारी आन बान और शान,
हमारे भारत के यह पावन पर्यावरण

यह है हमारी जननी जन्मभूमि की लाज,हमारी मां का आवरण

सदियों की अपेक्षाएं, अवहेलनायें इसे आज कहां पर ले आई
इक टीस सी उठती है जब इसका दूषित झीनापन बनता है परिहास का उदाहरण

साथियों, आओ आज कुछ ऐसी कसम खाएं ,कुछ करें ऐसा प्रण
के इस दामन को पाक करने में बलिदान कर दें अपने जीवन का हर क्षण
आज भारत माँ की पुकार है ,गुहार है,आह्वान है की जड़ से निकाल दे हर प्रदूषण
की अब कोई आँख उठे तो स्वतह ही कह उठे कि वाह-वाह यह है भारत का पर्यावरण।

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Sea Turtles Saved
Love & Care
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It’s Time To Make A Change.

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Partnerships & Collaborations